
The GT family of solid-state relays has been designed with the aim of providing very accurate control of the load thanks to an analog control input, in voltage at 0…5V; 0…10V or in current at 0…20/4…20mA or a potentiometer (from 1Kohm to 10 Kohm).
The electronic design ensures that the cycle time for proportioning the power is automatically optimized.
The number of cycles that the GT supplies to the load (wave trains) for a given input signal is calculated to be the minimum possible to maintain the necessary accuracy.
The GT can be used in three phase systems, using master-slave control architecture in which the control signal drives only one GT (master) and this unit supplies the synchronized signals to the other slaves.
Two GS modules can also be used as slaves (logic control). A load interrupt control option (HB) is available without having to use an external current transformer; alarm limit is settable with trimmer and yellow LED signal, with voltage-free contact, normally open.
The GT solid-state relay has a green LED to indicate the presence of the 24Vac power supply and a red LED to indicate the switching based on the analog control input signal.
The LED signal will be continuous (off at minimum, on at maximum) at the ends of the scale, pulsing for intermediate values.
The units offer optional accessoires for panel mounting, fuses and fuseholders, current transformer, isolation transformers.
Use the relè with an opportune heatsink (see section accessories).


  • Switching at voltage zero crossing
  • Antiparallel double SCR
  • Optional monitoring of interrupted load